
Aims of the course

Participants will learn basic and more advanced skills in the field of life drawing. If individuals already have some experience with drawing techniques, these will be developed further, with a focus on life drawing.

Course instructor: Mag.art. Josef Kaiser
Terms of admission: No prior knowledge is necessary. Admission is subject to the number available spaces.
Minimum number of participants: 20 Personen
Venue: University of Applied Arts Vienna, Department of Life Drawing, Life-Drawing room
Participation fee: Die Teilnahmegebühr von jeweils EUR 216,-inkl. 20% MWSt. ist vor Beginn des Kurses zu entrichten.


via email: josef.kaiser@uni-ak.ac.at

Der Kurs findet jeweils Dienstags, 18.00 – 19.45 Uhr statt, 9 Abende/Sem
weiterführende Informationen: aktzeichnen.uni-ak.ac.at