Studio Book & Paper

The studio has the following points of focus: Paper objectPaper Technology and Book ArtBook ObjectArtist's Book. geführt.

Die Werkstätte vermittelt Wissen und Prozesse, die Studierende befähigen, in diese Themen einzutauchen und individuelle künstlerische Arbeiten zu entwickeln. Im Fokus steht die Formfindung mit dem Medium Papier, Papiertechnologie sowie die Buchgestaltung von Künstler- und Unikatbüchern. Die Studenten werden angeleitet, materialgerecht, projektbezogen und experimentell zu arbeiten.

The studio will strengthen its internal and external networks, demonstrate the variety of subject areas associated with book art, engage wirth the issue of self-publishing with regard to artists' books, and support artistic flow.

Mo 8:00 – 17:00
Di 8:00 – 15:00
Do 8:00 – 17:00
Fr 12:00 – 20:00

Ausstattung zur Papierherstellung

  • 1 beater
  • laboratory table
  • vats
  • stack drier
  • molds, felts, fibers
  • Materials for manufacturing objects
  • 1 spindle press

Ausstattung zur Buchherstellung

  • 2 guillotine shears
  • 1 electric stack cutter
  • 2 screw presses
  • 1 manual creaser and perforator
  • 1 embossing press
  • 1 paper drilling device
  • necessary small tools



Please call us before intensive project meetings, so we can schedule sufficient time for you. For intensive supervision of project, term or diploma projects, a personal visit to the studio and a preliminary discussion is mandatory, AT LEAST two weeks before you start working on the project.

Please plan enough time for the occasionally long drying time in your work plan.


Up-to-date information can be found at Base Angewandte.

Head of Department

Mag. Beatrix Mapalagama


Mag. Waltraud Jungwirth
Christina Petutschnigg

Arbeiten von Studierenden


Pictures of the workshop