All images and animations on this page have been created by Open Geometry. Some of them were exported to the freeware ray-tracing program Pov-Ray in order to create special effects.
Associated curves
- anti-orthotomic
- anti-pedal
- catacaustic
- diacaustic
- evolute
- involute
- offset curve
- orthotomic
- pedal curve
- energy spiral
- hp-saddle
- hyperboloids
- Klein bottle
- Möbius band
- normal surfaces
- prototypes
- revolution
- surface of revolution
- Scherk-Weier
- rotoid
- supercyclides
- torus
Differential Geometry
- line congruence
- cubic circle
- extremal values
- osculating quadric
Free form curves and surfaces
- Bézier curve
- B-spline curve
- B-spline surface
- cube corner
For the creation of animations you can use Open Geometry function SaveAsBitmapAnimation(). Afterwards you can process he still frames with an animation program of your choice.
- Plücker conoid
- kaleidocycle
- develop cylinder
- develop cone
- Elliptic motion